We at the William James College INTERFACE Referral Service are keenly aware of the shortage of mental health providers of color and how racial inequities exist in medical and mental health care. The College’s Black Mental Health Academy, Center for Multicultural and Global Mental Health, and other programs and academic offerings are playing a critical role in reversing this trend. We invite you to read a statement from our Black Mental Health Graduate Academy Scholars, and to stand with us as allies to drive change and address systemic racism.


Hopkinton is a vibrant welcoming community centrally located in New England and nestled 26.2 miles west of Boston. Hopkinton is best known for being the starting point of the Boston Marathon. We are endowed with open space, natural resources, facilities and programs that promote a well educated and healthy community. We are respectful of our past, engaged in our present, and actively preparing for our future.  Read Hopkinton's Vision Statement here

The Town of Hopkinton welcomes residents of all races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, gender identifications, and sexual orientations; the Town of Hopkinton, further, is committed to providing a climate of safety and acceptance to all residents. The Town of Hopkinton will actively address and resist acts of discrimination, bullying, or intimidation.  Read Hopkinton's Charter here.

Community Resources