Contact William James INTERFACE Referral Service
Referral Service Helpline
888-244-6843 (toll free)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
What to Expect When You Call
Mental Health Care Provider Database Profiles
To update your profile in our database of mental health care providers, please log in.
If you would like to join our network of providers, please email us using the contact form at right, select "Provider Add/Update" as the category, and include your name, license type and email address and we'll reply with further instructions.
Service and Confidentiality Information
The William James INTERFACE Referral Service is a mental health referral service and is not designed to respond to urgent situations where someone’s well-being might be at immediate and serious risk. If you require a crisis response to meet immediate safety needs, we will give you the contact information for the crisis responder that can best assist you. We will still be available to you after the crisis has been stabilized to work with you to find mental health services for yourself, child or family.
The William James INTERFACE Referral Service is also very careful with the sensitive information you may share with us, and works to safeguard your information and protect your privacy. However, in situations such as when there is a serious risk of harm to yourself, or of harm to someone else, or someone who may be dependent upon you such as a child, older adult or a person with a disability, we may be required by law to report the situation to an appropriate agency responsible for ensuring safety.
Participating Communities
For information about becoming a participating community, please complete this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
For More Information
Heather Byrns, LMHC, Co-Director
Phone: 978-341-4316
Tanya Snyder, LMHC, Co-Director
Phone: 978-381-4331
To be added to or update your profile with the INTERFACE provider database, please call
Niall Fitzgerald, Provider Outreach Coordinator
Phone: 781-262-8094
Mailing Address
William James INTERFACE Referral Service
One Wells Avenue
Newton, MA 02459