Publications on Mental Health Topics
For gay teens, it still needs to get better, by Joseph Kahn, Boston Globe , Nov 6 2010.
“While physical assaults on gay teens may be declining overall - thanks to many factors, including tougher antibullying laws and more support systems for high schoolers who choose to "come out," there's ample evidence, too, that bullying and intolerance remain part of their daily lives. ”
Sexually Abused Children at Risk for Adult Psychosis, by Rick Nauert, Psych Central, Nov 4 2010.
“ A new report suggests children who are sexually abused may be at higher risk for developing schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. The Austrian study found that a history of sexual abuse with penetration especially increased the risk. ”
Army Studies Thrill-Seeking Behavior, by Elizabeth Bumiller, New York Times, Oct 30 2010.
“Nearly a decade into two bloody wars, are the armed forces attracting recruits drawn to high-risk behavior? ”
Latuda Approved to Treat Schizophrenia, by John Grohol, Psych Central , Oct 29 2010.
“On Thursday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Latuda (lurasidone HCl) - an atypical antipsychotic medication - for the treatment of adults with schizophrenia. ”
Postpartum Depression Can Be Serious, by Rick Nauert, Psych Central , Oct 27 2010.
“According to researchers, maternal postpartum depression can have serious adverse effects on the mother and child relationship, resulting in an environment that can disrupt the infant's development. ”
Predicting Treatment Success for Child OCD, by Rick Nauert, Psych Central , Oct 18 2010.
“A new research effort may help clinicians better predict how a child with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) will respond to some of the most commonly used treatment approaches. ”
OCD: New Treatments And Stories From The Trenches, by Jessica Alpert, WBUR , Oct 13 2010.
“In recognition of National OCD Awareness Week, we explore some of the latest treatments for the disorder with a Boston doctor who's one of the country's top OCD specialists, and we speak with one local man who lives with OCD every day. ”
Siblings of kids with autism have language delays, by Elizabeth Landau, CNN , Oct 8 2010.
“In families in which a child has autism, his or her siblings are more likely to have language delays or speech problems, a new study finds. ”
Childhood adversity may lead to unhealthy stress response in adult life, by Brown University, Oct 7 2010.
“A study has detected a correlation between childhood adversity and exaggerated inflammatory response to stress among seemingly healthy people. It may shed light on risk for depression, other illnesses later in life. ”
Parents Allowed: Family-Focused Therapy Works Better for Teens with Eating Disorders, by Maia Szalavitz, Time Magazine , Oct 5 2010.
“The first randomized controlled trial to compare outcomes of family-based treatment to individual therapy for teenagers with anorexia has found that involving the family in treatment is more than twice as effective as individual care. ”
Let’s Get This Straight: the Ultimate Handbook for Youth with LGBTQ Parents, by Tina Fakhrid-Deen and COLAGE, Sep 28 2010.
Following Traumatic Event, Early Intervention Reduces Odds of PTSD in Children, by Penn Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine , Sep 28 2010.
“A new approach that helps improve communication between child and caregiver, such as recognizing and managing traumatic stress symptoms and teach coping skills, was able to prevent chronic and sub-clinical PTSD in 73 percent of children. ”
'It Gets Better': Wisdom From Grown-Up Gays and Lesbians to Bullied Kids, by Meredith Melnick, Time Magazine , Sep 27 2010.
“According to a study from Penn State University, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and "queer" youth (a catch-all term for gender and sexually non-normative people) are four times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight peers. Of all American teens who die by their own hand, 30% are LGBTQ. ”
Psychotropic Meds for Foster Kids Controversial, by Rick Nauert, Psych Central , Sep 24 2010.
“Over the past decade, use of psychotropic medications for youth has more than doubled. For foster children, the rates are much higher, with an astonishing 13 to 52 percent of foster kids receiving the medications, as compared to 4 percent of the general youth population. ”
Hospital Diaries Protect From PTSD, by Rick Nauert, Psych Central , Sep 17 2010.
“Researchers have discovered that a journal describing what happened to an individual during an intensive care unit stay may help reduce, or mitigate post-traumatic stress disorder. ”
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