Publications on Mental Health Topics
Substance Abuse Risk Greater for Girls with ADHD Than Boys, by Rick Nauert, Psych Central , Jun 13 2011.
“In a new study of adolescents, Finnish investigators discovered attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms were more common in boys, but girls with ADHD were more vulnerable to substance abuse. ”
Give Me Shelter: Stories About Children Who Seek Asylum, by Bradman, Tony, Jun 11 2011.
Childhood Exposure to Trauma Ups Physical, Mental Health Risks, by Rick Nauert, Psych Central , Jun 9 2011.
“A new research study suggests exposure to trauma can increase a child's risk of developing learning and behavioral problems, and raise a child's risk of obesity. ”
Depression: Not Just for Adults, by Kayt Sukel, The Dana Foundation , Jun 2 2011.
“Researchers are now discovering that children as young as 3 years of age can meet the clinical criteria for major depressive disorder. What's more, they demonstrate patterns of brain activation very similar to those seen in adults diagnosed with the disorder. ”
Self-Talk Effective On and Off the Field, by Rick Nauert, Psych Central , May 26 2011.
“A new analysis of more than 30 published studies finds the sports psychology technique called "self-talk," a mental strategy purported to improve performance, is indeed effective, and more varied and sophisticated than some might imagine. ”
Need Therapy? A Good Man Is Hard to Find, by Benedict Carey, New York Times , May 21 2011.
“Men earn only one in five of all master's degrees awarded in psychology, down from half in the 1970s. They account for less than 10 percent of social workers under the age of 34, according to a recent survey. And their numbers have dwindled among professional counselors. ”
Victimization of LGBT Youth Can Be Deadly, by Rick Nauert, Psych Central , May 18 2011.
“A new study is the first to examine the relationship between school victimization during adolescence - specifically related to sexual orientation and gender identity - with multiple dimensions of young adult health and adjustment. ”
Control Desk for the Neural Switchboard, by Carl Schoonover and Rabinowitz, New York Times , May 16 2011.
“Treating anxiety no longer requires years of pills or psychotherapy. At least, not for a certain set of bioengineered mice. ”
Children of Hoarders on Leaving the Cluttered Nest, by Steven Kurutz, New York Times , May 11 2011.
“Children of hoarders often display a tortured ambivalence toward their parents, perhaps because unlike spouses or friends of hoarders, they had little choice but to live amid the junk. ”
Hazy Recall as a Signal Foretelling Depression, by Alastair Gee, New York Times , May 8 2011.
“Scientists are looking to such failures to gain new insights into the diagnosis and treatment of depression. They are focusing not on what people remember, but how. The phenomenon is called overgeneral memory, a tendency to recall past events in a broad, vague manner. ”
Detecting Autism Early With a 5-Minute Questionnaire, by Alice Park, Time Magazine , Apr 28 2011.
“It's generally better to detect a disease sooner rather than later, but with some slowly progressing conditions, it's not always possible to pick out the first signs of trouble. ”
Faking It: Why Nearly 1 in 4 Adults Who Seek Treatment Don't Have ADHD, by Meredith Melnick, Time Magazine , Apr 28 2011.
“A new survey of patients' medical records finds that nearly a quarter of adults who seek treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may be exaggerating or faking their symptoms. Why would someone fake a psychological disorder? In a word, Adderall. ”
Learning to Listen to Distressed Classmates, by Abigail Sullivan Moore, New York Times , Apr 15 2011.
“Students have often been witness to their peers' skirmishes with depression, anxiety, self-injury or eating disorders. As the population of students with psychological problems has risen, so have such encounters. Many universities focus on training professors, coaches and other staff members to recognize common signs of mental distress and to intervene. Now the idea of training students is gaining traction ”
Allergies Can Increase the Risk of Depression, by Anahad O'Connor, New York Times , Apr 11 2011.
“While there's no firm evidence that allergies cause depression, large studies show that allergy sufferers do seem to be at higher risk of depression. ”
Male Victims of 'Intimate Terrorism' Can Experience Damaging Psychological Effects, by Anna Randle and Denise Hines, American Psychological Association, Apr 7 2011.
“Men who are abused by their female partners can suffer significant psychological trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and suicidal thoughts, according to two new papers published by the American Psychological Association. ”
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