Publications on Mental Health Topics
Eating Disorder Behaviors and Weight Concerns Are Common in Women Over 50, by Science Daily, Jun 21 2012.
“Eating disorders are commonly seen as an issue faced by teenagers and young women, but a new study reveals that age is no barrier to disordered eating. ”
Playtime Relieves Stress among Single Moms, by Rick Nauert, Psych Central , Jun 20 2012.
“A new study suggests single mothers can improve their relationship with their children and relieve parental stress by interacting with their children during playtime. ”
Racial Attitudes May Affect Juvenile Sentencing, by Traci Pedersen, Psych Central , Jun 20 2012.
“When people imagine a juvenile offender to be black, they are more supportive of handing down harsher sentences to all juveniles, according to a new study by Stanford psychologists. ”
Sleep Deficit Can Lead to High Anxiety, by Rick Nauert, Psych Central , Jun 11 2012.
“Investigators say their findings show that sleep loss markedly exaggerates the degree to which we anticipate impending emotional events. This overreaction often occurs among highly anxious people, making them especially vulnerable. ”
Phone-Based Psychotherapy Helps Depression, at Least in the Short Term, by Alice Park, Time Magazine, Jun 6 2012.
“Psychotherapy is one of the more effective ways to treat depression, but there's a hurdle: getting people to seek out and stick with care. A new study suggests that for some patients, receiving therapy by telephone, instead of face-to-face on the therapist's couch, could be a solution. ”
Early Puberty Linked to Depression, by Traci Pedersen, Psych Central , Jun 4 2012.
“Going through early puberty puts a child at greater risk for anxiety and depression later in adolescence, according to researchers at the University of Melbourne. ”
New Guidelines to Curb Childhood Aggression, by Rick Nauert, Jun 1 2012.
“Childhood aggression is a common, yet complex behavior. New recommendations to aid in the care of youth have been released to primary care providers and mental health specialists. ”
Hoarding: Does Your Aging Parent Have The Disease of Clutter?, by Ann Brenoff, Online, May 27 2012.
“Leading hoarding researcher/ expert, Andy Frost states that many older Americans who experienced deprivation during the Great Depression or WW II are at a higher risk for developing Hoarding. Frost also suggests that aging worsens Hoarding symptoms. He also makes some suggestions as to how children can best help their parent who is struggling with hoarding tendencies. ”
Many Autistic Youth Struggle Right After High School, by Pedersen Traci, Psych Central , May 15 2012.
“Compared to young people with other disabilities, youth with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) struggle more as they navigate through work and higher education after high school. ”
Does a Better Memory Equal Greater PTSD Risk?, by Maia Szalavitz, Time Magazine, May 15 2012.
“A good memory is typically seen as a powerful advantage, an aid to intelligence and socializing. But when experience is traumatic, this asset may become a serious liability, according to new research on survivors of the Rwandan genocide. ”
Bipolar Symptoms May Begin in Teen Years, by Grens, Kerry, Reuters , May 8 2012.
“The take home message is that adolescence is when we really see bipolar disorder begin, so we should shift our focus of prevention and intervention earlier in the lifespan. ”
Parents' Depression Linked to Problems in Children, by Perri Klass, New York Times , May 7 2012.
“A parent's depression, it turns out, can be linked to all kinds of problems, even in the lives of older children. ”
Suicide Risk for Older People Who Self-Harm, by University of Manchester, University of Manchester, May 1 2012.
“Older people who self-harm are at much greater risk of suicide than both the general population and younger adults who self-harm, a new study has found. Researchers from The University of Manchester studied 1,177 people over the age of 60 who presented to six general hospitals in Oxford, Manchester and Derby after self-harming. ”
Homesick and Happy: How Time Away from Parents Can Help a Child Grow, by Michael Thompson, May 2012.
“In an age when it’s the rare child who walks to school on his own, the thought of sending your "little ones" off to sleep-away camp can be overwhelming—for you and for them. But a parent’s first instinct—to shelter their offspring above all else—actually deprives children of the major developmental milestones that occur through letting them go—and watching them come back transformed. In Homesick and Happy, Dr. Thompson shares a strong argument for, and a vital guide to, this brief loosening of ties. ”
With Disruptive Kids, MDs Should Assess for Early Mental Illness, by Rick Nauert, Psych Central, Apr 30 2012.
“Mental illnesses are the number 1 cause of medical disability in youths ages 15 and older in the United States and Canada, according to the World Health Organization. And mental health researchers are reaching out to pediatricians to improve early detection of mental disorders. ”
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