Publications on Mental Health Topics
Defects in Brain Pathways Linked to Anxiety, by Rick Nauert, Psych Central , Feb 11 2011.
“Researchers believe they have discovered a neural explanation for why some individuals are more anxiety-prone than others. ”
Can You Outgrow A.D.H.D.? Or Get It as an Adult?, by New York Times, New York Times, Feb 10 2011.
“If you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or A.D.H.D., as a child, do symptoms ease with age? Can you have adult-onset A.D.H.D.? Dr. Russell Barkley answers these questions. ”
Helping Your Transgender Teen: a Guide for Parents, by Krieger, I., Feb 10 2011.
Provider Shortage Leaves Parents Searching, Doctors Overwhelmed, by Deborah Becker, WBUR , Feb 3 2011.
“More often than not what many parents hear when they are looking for a children's mental health care professional is a voice recording saying the doctor isn't in. ”
Mental Health Screening Exposes Access Problems, by Monica Brady-Myerov, WBUR , Feb 2 2011.
“Diagnosing a mental illness in a child is extremely challenging. ”
Parents Divided by the Medication Debate, by Monica Brady-Myerov, WBUR , Feb 1 2011.
“Giving a child drugs to manage a mental illness is a difficult, personal decision. Here are two families who have struggled with it, and made different choices. ”
The Family ADHD Solution: A Scientific Approach to Maximizing Your Child's Attention and Minimizing Parental Stress, by Mark Bertin, MD, Feb 1 2011.
“Dr. Mark Bertin, developmental pediatrician, simplifies ADHD and offers caregivers information regarding origin, treatment, and symptom presentation of ADHD. ”
One Family's Traumatic Struggle For Mental Health Care, by Deborah Becker, WBUR , Jan 31 2011.
“The peaceful sound of wind chimes at the front door of the Cadogans well-appointed Sudbury home is deceiving. The family has been struggling to deal with the mental health needs of one of the children. ”
New Ways to Think About Grief, by Ruth Davis Konigsberg, Time Magazine , Jan 29 2011.
“The five stages of grief are so deeply embedded in our culture that they've become virtually inescapable. Every time we experience loss--whether personal or national--we hear them recited: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. They're invoked to explain our emotional reaction to everything from the death of a loved one to the destruction of the Gulf of Mexico after the BP oil spill to LeBron James' abandoning the Cleveland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat. ”
F.D.A. Panel Is Split on Electroshock Risks, by Duff Wilson, New York Times , Jan 28 2011.
“A federal advisory panel was sharply divided on Friday about whether to recommend that regulators designate electroshock devices as high risk. The change could increase oversight on a controversial treatment used by about 100,000 Americans a year. ”
Record Level of Stress Found in College Freshmen, by Tamar Lewin, New York Times , Jan 26 2011.
“The emotional health of college freshmen - who feel buffeted by the recession and stressed by the pressures of high school - has declined to the lowest level since an annual survey of incoming students started collecting data 25 years ago. ”
F.D.A. Is Studying the Risk of Electroshock Devices, by Duff Wilson, New York Times , Jan 23 2011.
“Federal regulators are weighing whether to downgrade the risk classification of electroshock devices, reinforcing what many psychiatrists consider a deepening acceptance of electroshock in modern therapy. ”
Military Study Finds Benefits in Mental Health Screening, by James Dao, New York Times , Jan 18 2011.
“Soldiers who were screened for mental health problems before deploying to Iraq were less likely to report suicidal thoughts, be evacuated for mental health reasons or require care for combat stress, a study published on Tuesday has found. ”
The protective effects of social/contextual factors on psychiatric morbidity in LGB populations, by Mark L Hatzenbuehler, Katherine M Keyes and Katie A McLaughlin, Oxford Journals, Jan 13 2011.
“Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) populations evidence higher rates of psychiatric disorders than heterosexuals, but most LGB individuals do not have mental-health problems. The present study examined risk modifiers at the social/contextual level that may protect LGB individuals from the development of psychiatric disorders. ”
My Princess Boy, by Cheryl Kilodavis, Jan 11 2011.
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