Publications on Mental Health Topics
Phone app keeps recovering alcoholics from falling off the wagon, by Deborah Kotz, Mar 27 2014.
“Recovering alcoholics who used an experimental smart phone app had a far easier time avoiding alcohol for up to a year after they left rehab compared to those who didn’t use the app. That’s based on a new trial involving nearly 350 recovering alcoholics, which found that those randomly assigned to use the app had an average of 1.4 binge drinking days per month - consuming three or four alcoholic beverages in two hours - compared to 2.8 days for those who didn’t get the app. The users of the app, called A-CHESS, were also 22 percent more likely to maintain their abstinence from alcohol, according to the study published on Wednesday in the journal JAMA Psychiatry. ”
First stem cell study of bipolar disorder yields promising results, U-M and Prechter Fund scientists say, by Haiming Chen and Cindy DeLong, Heinz C. Prechter Bipolar Research Fund , Mar 25 2014.
“What makes a person bipolar, prone to manic highs and deep, depressed lows? Why does bipolar disorder run so strongly in families, even though no single gene is to blame? And why is it so hard to find new treatments for a condition that affects 200 million people worldwide? New stem cell research published by scientists from the University of Michigan Medical School, and fueled by the Heinz C. Prechter Bipolar Research Fund, may help scientists find answers to these questions. ”
Teaching Children to Calm Themselves, by David Bornstein, New York Times, Mar 19 2014.
“Children who experience abuse, neglect, severe stress or sudden separation at a young age can be traumatized. Without appropriate adult support, trauma can interfere with healthy brain development, inhibiting children’s ability to make good decisions, use memory or use sequential thought processes to work through problems. ”
Military Dads Have to Re-Learn Parenting After Deployment, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Mar 4 2014.
“Fathers who returned after military service report having difficulty connecting with young children who sometimes don’t remember them, according to a study released this week. While the fathers in the study had eagerly anticipated reuniting with their families, they reported significant stress, especially around issues of reconnecting with children, adapting expectations from military to family life, and co-parenting. ”
Orphans' Lonely Beginnings Reveal How Parents Shape A Child's Brain, by Jon Hamilton, NPR, Feb 24 2014.
“Parents do a lot more than make sure a child has food and shelter, researchers say. They play a critical role in brain development. More than a decade of research on children raised in institutions shows that "neglect is awful for the brain," says Charles Nelson, a professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital. Without someone who is a reliable source of attention, affection and stimulation, he says, "the wiring of the brain goes awry." The result can be long-term mental and emotional problems. ”
Higher risks among perinatal women with bipolar disorder, by Brown University, ScienceDaily , Feb 24 2014.
“Women with bipolar disorder often struggle with the illness during and after pregnancy. A new study finds that they were significantly more likely to face important psychiatric and childrearing challenges compared to women who were seeking treatment for other psychiatric disorders. The findings indicate the importance of properly identifying the disorder and developing specific treatments for women during and after pregnancy, the lead author states. ”
Hotels becoming long-term housing for homeless families, by, Feb 23 2014.
“Living in a budget hotel room is supposed to be temporary housing for homeless families, but new information released by the state shows that nearly 400 homeless families have been living in hotels – free of charge – for more than a year, with some families living in hotels since 2011. ”
The Resiliency of Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities, by Carly Rodgers, M.S., Psychology Today, Feb 18 2014.
“Resilience is an individual’s ability to adapt and bounce back in the face of adversity and may be viewed as an individuals’ defense against stress. As humans, we all grow and continue to learn throughout our lives. An individuals’ resilience can also change and evolve over time. The resiliency of individuals with intellectual disabilities may be tested more frequently, more intensely, and for longer durations of time when compared to individuals who are not living with an intellectual disability. ”
Test 'predicts' teen depression risk, by James Gallagher, BBC , Feb 17 2014.
“A tool for predicting the risk of clinical depression in teenage boys has been developed by researchers. Looking for high levels of the stress hormone cortisol and reports of feeling miserable, lonely or unloved could find those at greatest risk. ”
One snapshot in a tragic national picture: Long Island sees exploding heroin use, by Ronnie Berke and Poppy Harlow, CNN , Feb 9 2014.
“Heroin use has exploded in what is being described as an epidemic on New York's Long Island, where addiction counselors are seeing users as young as 12 -- many from middle-class, suburban families. Several factors have contributed to this "perfect storm" of addiction according to experts -- among them, proximity to major airports and transportation centers, and a statewide crackdown on prescription painkillers, that has had the unintended effect of pushing more kids to cheaper and more accessible heroin. ”
Less Sleep, More Time Online Raise Risk For Teen Depression, by Maanvi Singh, NPR , Feb 6 2014.
“The teenage years are a tumultuous time, with about 11 percent developing depression by age 18. Lack of sleep may increase teenagers' risk of depression, two studies say. Teenagers who don't get enough sleep are four times as likely to develop as their peers who sleep more, according to researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. ”
The power of prejudice -- and why you should speak up, by Amanda Enayati, CNN, Feb 6 2014.
“Indeed, admits Rattan, "people talk about all the ways that the Internet's anonymity can lead to more prejudice being expressed online." But a series of studies Rattan undertook with her colleague, the late Nalini Ambady of Stanford University, showed that social media also have the potential to serve as the exact opposite. ”
Schizophrenia: Talking therapies moderately effective, by James Gallagher, BBC , Feb 5 2014.
“Cognitive behavioral therapy is an officially recommended treatment, but is available to less than 10% of patients in the UK with schizophrenia. A study published in the Lancet indicates CBT could help the many who refuse antipsychotic medication. Experts say larger trials are needed. ”
In Texting Era, Crisis Hotlines Put Help at Youths’ Fingertips, by Leslie Kaufman, New York Times, Feb 4 2014.
“While counseling by phone remains far more prevalent, texting has become such a fundamental way to communicate, particularly among people under 20, that crisis groups have begun to adopt it as an alternative way of providing emergency services and counseling. Texting provides privacy that can be crucial if a person feels threatened by someone near them, counselors say. It also looks more natural if the teenager is in public. ”
Two stressed people equals less stress: Sharing nervous feelings helps reduce stress, ScienceDaily , Jan 29 2014.
“Does giving a speech in public stress you out? Or writing a big presentation for your boss? What about skydiving? One way to cope, according to a new study, is to share your feelings with someone who is having a similar emotional reaction to the same scenario. ”
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