Publications - Immigrant/Refugee Mental Health
Broken Spirits: The Treatment of Traumatized Asylum Seekers, Refugees and War and Torture Victims, by John P. Wilson, 2015.
Mandaeans work to lasting community in Worcester, by Walter Bird, Jr., Worcester Magazine, Jul 17 2014.
The power of prejudice -- and why you should speak up, by Amanda Enayati, CNN, Feb 6 2014.
“Indeed, admits Rattan, "people talk about all the ways that the Internet's anonymity can lead to more prejudice being expressed online." But a series of studies Rattan undertook with her colleague, the late Nalini Ambady of Stanford University, showed that social media also have the potential to serve as the exact opposite. ”
The Making of The Modern Refugee, by 2013, 2013.
Mental Health Help-Seeking Behaviors of Muslim Immigrants in the United States: Overcoming Social Stigma and Cultural Mistrust, by Saara Amri, Fred Bemak, Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 2012.
“As in many cultures and religions, the stigma of mental illness and treatment in the Muslim immigrant community is deep-rooted. Compounded with the cultural mistrust of the Western mental health system, many in this community live with untreated mental health conditions that not only impact themselves, but impact their family and the larger community. This article examines the Muslim immigrant community in the U.S. by providing an overview of who Muslim immigrants are and some of major psychosocial and psychological issues they face. The article will examine the impact of cultural mistrust and the stigmatization related to mental health on help-seeking behaviors among Muslim immigrants. Two case studies are presented that portray some of the struggles a Muslim immigrant faces in the U.S. Based on these case studies, recommendations for providing culturally responsive services that may mediate barriers to mental health help-seeking behaviors are presented. Finally, the authors discuss implications for future research. ”
Give Me Shelter: Stories About Children Who Seek Asylum, by Bradman, Tony, Jun 11 2011.
Culture and Stigma Affect Mental Health Care for Latinos, by Sylviane Duval, Health Behavior News Service, Mar 22 2011.
“Latinos benefit from antidepressants like everybody else - only they do not use them nearly as often. The trick is getting past some cultural barriers. ”
Mental Health, by N/A, Refugee Health Technical Assistance , 2011.
“Great article as well as multiple resources for refugees and immigrants. ”
Healthcare for Immigrants and Refugees, by Marcia Carteret, Dimensions of Culture: Cross-cultural Communications for Healthcare Professionals, 2011.
“Excellent source of informative articles and resources for refugees and immigrants. ”
Mental Health, Race and Culture: Third Edition, by Suman Fernando, 2010.
Safe Haven? A History of Refugees in America, by David Haines, 2010.
Immigration Judges Found Under Strain, by Julia Preston, New York Times, Jul 10 2009.
“The strain on immigration judges was similar to that on prison wardens and hospital physicians, a psychological study found. ”
Children of War: Voices of Iraqi Refugees, by Deborah Ellis, 2009.
Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds, by David C. Pollock and Ruth E. Van Reken, 2009.
Outcasts United: An American Town, a Refugee Team, and One Woman's Quest to Make a Difference Paperback – December 1, 2009, by Warren St. John , 2009.
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