CBHI Resources
The Children's Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI) is an interagency initiative of the Commonwealth's Executive Office of Health and Human Services whose mission is to strengthen, expand and integrate Massachusetts state services into a comprehensive, community-based system of care, to ensure that families and their children with significant behavioral, emotional and mental health needs obtain the services necessary for success in home, school and community.
Accessing Children's Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI)
This guide is from the Federation for Children with Special Needs and offers a brief overview of the CBHI services available.
Children's Behavioral Health Initiative
CBHI Information for Members & Families
This guide explains options you have in applying for health coverage for your child. If you are a parent or caregiver who wants your child to get MassHealth Standard or CommonHealth for behavioral health services, this guide will help you. The guide also may be useful for anyone else who would like to apply for coverage under MassHealth.
How to Apply for MassHealth for Your Child
CBHI Brochures and Companion Guide
The Children's Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI) brochure, "Worried about the way your child is acting or feeling?," provides family-friendly descriptions of the enhanced behavioral-health services available to certain children and youth, aged 21 and younger, who are enrolled in MassHealth. The publication also includes regional contact information for Mobile Crisis Intervention, In-Home Therapy and Intensive Care Coordination providers.
CBHI Brochures for Parents/Caregivers
In Home Therapy
In Home Therapy (IHT) is a MassHealth service for children and youth with social, emotional or behavioral challenges under the age of 21. It can be delivered anywhere the youth is,
including home, school, child care setting, and other places in the community. This is a Top Ten Things To Know about IHT Guide.
Top 10 Things You Should Know About In-Home Therapy
Behavioral Health Services for Children and Adolescents (BHCA)